Here's What You Can and Can't Do in Victoria During the Seven-Day Circuit-Breaker Lockdown
This is what you need to know during Victoria's current seven-day lockdown.
On Thursday, May 27, Acting Victorian Premier James Merlino announced that all of Victoria would be going into a seven-day 'circuit breaker' lockdown in a bid to stop the spread of Melbourne's latest COVID-19 outbreak. The outbreak began on Monday, May 24, and has seen case numbers grow daily — the state's total currently sits at 39 — and the list of exposure sites expand rapidly as well.
The current lockdown is scheduled to run until 11.59pm on Thursday, June 3. Current restrictions include the reinstatement of the four reasons to leave your home, the addition of a new fifth reason to head out, bringing back the five-kilometre travel radius and requiring mandatory face masks when leaving your house. This time around, all restrictions apply to both metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria.
The list of restrictions can be a bit overwhelming, so we've broken down just what you can and can't do.
This information is correct as of Friday, May 28.
For what reasons am I allowed to leave the house?
Remember those four reasons announced back in March 2020? These reasons have been reintroduced, meaning you can only leave home to purchase groceries and other essentials, for care and caregiving, for outdoor exercise and recreation, and for permitted work. You can find out more about what classifies as permitted work and restrictions surrounding those workplaces on Victorian coronavirus website.
New this time, however, is a fifth permissible reason to leave the house: to get a COVID-19 vaccination. The state is also rolling out the vaccine to everyone over the age of 40 from Friday, May 28, meaning that Victorians aged between 40–49 years will be able to access to the Pfizer vaccine via the state's vaccination sites.
For how long can I leave the house?
You can leave to exercise once per day for up to two hours. One member of your household is permitted to leave once per day for groceries and other essentials. There are no limits on how long you can leave for permitted work or caregiving.
Is there a curfew this time?
No, there is no curfew. You are allowed out of your house at any hour as long as it is for one of the four permitted reasons.
Do I have to wear a mask?
Yes, masks or face coverings are still compulsory whenever you leave home. You can find out all the nitty-gritty in our article about the mask mandate.
How far can I travel?
You can only travel up to five kilometres from your home. The only reasons to exceed this five-kilometre radius is for permitted work, receiving care and caregiving, to visit your partner or someone in your 'single bubble' (we'll get to more on these in a second) or if you live in an area where the closest essential services, such as shops, are over five kilometres away.
You can also leave your home in the case of an emergency or family violence.
Unless you've moved house since the last lockdown, you're probably very familiar with this five-kilometre radius, but if you want to have another look at what's around, check out this handy website.
Can I see friends and family?
No, you can't have generally visitors to your home — or gather with friends and family in a public place during the current lockdown.
You are allowed to be joined by members of your household or one other person who lives within your five-kilometre radius while exercising. You can check your five-kilometre bubble crossover on this nifty website.
Partners who live separately are allowed to visit each other at home and can leave their five-kilometre bubble to see each other, though. And, as this lockdown is planned for seven days, the single bubbles are back — so you can have one other designated person over to your house (just one, and only the sole person you have nominated) if you live alone.
Can I drive to a park to exercise?
As long as it's within five kilometres of your home, yes. You can exercise for a maximum of two hours, once per day.
Can I go to the beach?
You can go to the beach for exercise if there is one within five kilometres of your home. But, you can only go for a maximum of two hours and with one other person or the members of your household.

Takeaway Pizza
How about to a restaurant or cafe?
You can pick up takeaway from a hospitality venue located within five kilometres of your home, but dine-in service is off the cards. If you're looking to order takeaway, this directory lists all the takeaway options within your five-kilometre radius and Deliveroo is waiving its delivery fees throughout the lockdown.
Or a gym?
All gyms (indoor and outdoor), boot camps, sporting facilities and public pools are closed.
Are professional sporting events permitted?
Yes, professional sporting events including the AFL will proceed without crowds. Under the restrictions, professional athletes are permitted workers and are therefore allowed to leave their homes to compete in these events.
Can I go shopping?
For groceries and other essentials, yes. Supermarkets, food and liquor stores and pet stores are all open. But, only one person from your household can shop for essentials a day — and not all shops are open, or some will have altered hours, so check before you head off. You must also shop for essentials within your five-kilometre bubble if you can.
Can I attend a funeral?
Yes, however funerals are limited to ten mourners, plus those required to conduct the funeral.
Can I attend a wedding?
No, weddings are not permitted, except for on compassionate grounds.
If you have more questions, the Victorian Government has an extensive list of FAQs on its website.
Top image: Parker Blain