Event Newtown

Cherchez la Femme

Beers, laughs and women talking at the Vanguard.
Ruby Lennon
April 15, 2013


It's Sunday afternoon — you did not want a cider, but you have had three — and you realise that you are having the same conversation you had last week, at the same table and you are with the same people.

Now, you can start back on the life affirmation conversation, or skip that and head down to the Cherchez La Femme at the Vanguard to hear interesting, accomplished women talking about… whatever, in a relevant way. Plus there is a bar and you can bring your mates.

This casual-feminist-forum-in-the-pub started three years ago in Melbourne and has found a permanent home at the Gasometer in Collingwood, so a Sydney sojourn is well overdue. I am imagining RocKwiz but everyone is Julia Zemiro and there's no obligatory head nodding ("Oh yeah, of course Nick Cave is actually pronounced ca-VAY.")

Creator of Cherchez La Femme and organiser of SlutWalk Melbourne, Karen Pickering will be hosting the evening as women from science, the arts and Cosmo come together for that great female tradition, the Sunday debrief. On the panel will be playwright/Twitterer Van Badham, Princesses & Pornstars author Emily Maguire, fat activist Frances Lockie, Nareen Young from the Diversity Council of Australia and scientist Catriona Wimberley.



Sun, Apr 21, 2013

Sunday, April 21, 2013



The Vanguard
42 King Street


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