Event Sydney

Gnocchi Night at Fabbrica Pasta Shop

One of Sydney's best wine and pasta bars is cooking up a different gnocchi special every Tuesday night.
Ben Hansen
July 31, 2023


More than any other pasta, gnocchi seems to cultivate a ravenous fanbase. The pillowy portions have such a large following that we now have entire restaurants dedicated to gnocchi and gnocchi alone. When are we getting a standalone rigatoni restaurant? Now that's the real question.

One of Sydney's best purveyors of all things pasta, Fabbrica Pasta Shop on King Street, is facilitating our love for gnocchi once a week with a Tuesday night special. Each Tuesday, the CBD provisions store, bottle shop and small bar will be cooking up a different midweek dish showcasing Fabbrica's house-made gnocchi.

Part of the Love Tilly Group, Fabbrica is known for boasting some of the city's best pasta alongside its sibling venues Ragazzi and Palazzo Salato. As with all of its other renowned carby creations, the gnocchi at this inner-city haunt is delicately handmade in-house, here using both royal blue and désirée potatoes.

The series kicked off on Tuesday, July 25 with a winter warmer in the form of a truffle and pecorino gnocchi, but each week you can expect a different bold flavour combo.

Servings of the gnocchi specials are limited and available from 5pm. Swing past after work to break up your week with a big dose of comfort food paired with one of Fabbrica's many top-notch organic and minimal-intervention wines.

Top image: Dexter Kim.



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