Event Sydney

Music from Blade Runner – Heritage Orchestra

The UK Heritage Orchestra performs the Blade Runner soundtrack live for the first time in Australia since its release 30 years ago.
Jasmine Crittenden
May 20, 2013


It's hard to say which has gained greater mythical status: Blade Runner the film or Vangelis's enigmatic score. After a release process that consumed a dozen years, the soundtrack soared to the top of the charts quicker than a spinner could lift off. Rumours abounded that at least 20 different versions were in existence.

Part of the mystery may be a reflection of the composer. We know that Vangelis's real name is Evangelos Odysseas Papathanassiou (the adoption of a pseudonym was clearly a smart career move), and we know of his extensive musical contributions, but he's protective of his work and rather shy when it comes to media interviews. A 2005 chat with the Telegraph was a rare exception.

Twenty-six years after releasing the Blade Runner soundtrack, Vangelis granted the UK's Heritage Orchestra permission to perform it live. Southbank Centre's 2008 Meltdown Festival saw the global debut, and this month's appearance at Vivid LIVE is the Australian premiere.

Note that a Blade Runner-inspired backdrop will accompany the music, but the event does not include a screening of the film.



Sun, May 26, 2013

Sunday, May 26, 2013



Concert Hall, Sydney Opera House
Bennelong Point


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