Event Eastern Creek


This new 12-kilometre fun run will see you race through Western Sydney Parklands.
Jasmine Crittenden
December 29, 2018


In 2019, Western Sydney will not only score a brand new zoo, it will also add a new community running event to its calendar: RunWest.

Open to runners of all ages and abilities, RunWest will follow a 12-kilometre course, through several major landmarks. Its first incarnation was supposed to see runners race through the new Sydney Zoo, but that won't be opening until later this year now. Instead, you'll begin at Sydney Motorsport Park, before traversing Western Sydney Parklands, heading into Blacktown International Sports Park and winding up at West HQ. If 12 kilometres sounds too far, conquer the more friendly four-kilometre Family Fun Run instead.

Either way, there'll be plenty of action to keep you on course. On crossing the finish line, you'll find the Finish Line Festival, an extravaganza of food trucks and live music to make you forget all about the pain of running you've just endured. First up, grab a coffee cone (literally an espresso shot inside a chocolate-filled waffle cone) and then take your pick from the likes of Chur Burger, Satay Brothers, Burnt Ends BBQ and Duo Duo Ice Cream. The main stage will feature some local musos, and the festivities will kick on at Made By The Hill afterwards.

If you're a City2Surf regular, this might be a good race to enter in the off-season — although, being March, chances are the weather will be pretty warm. But, like City2Surf, you're encouraged to raise funds for a charity of your choice, so your sweat will be all worth it. If you're ready to commit, sign up right now at super early bird rates, which are $15 per person for the fun run and $30 for the 12-kilometre event. Plus, your ticket includes entry to Sydney Zoo, valid for a year from 1 August, 2019.

Updated: March 25, 2019. 




Sunday, March 31, 2019

Sunday, March 31, 2019


Sydney Motorsport Park
Ferrers Road
Eastern Creek


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