Sarah Blasko for World Refugee Day

The ARIA-winning artist and bighearted Sydney legend puts her ambassador title to good use.
Shannon Connellan
Published on June 02, 2014


ARIA-winning artist and bighearted Sydney legend Sarah Blasko will play an intimate gig at Giant Dwarf in Redfern on World Refugee Day, Friday 20 June. With all ticket sales going straight to the Refugee Council of Australia, Blasko's fundraiser is a direct response to the federal government's funding cuts to the RCOA, announced as an addition to the recent budget.

After the release of her stunning fourth album I Awake to critical high-fivery in 2012, Blasko is breaking out of creative hibernation to play for a cause. "I'm emerging from what I'll affectionately call my 'fifth album writing cave' to play this special show at Giant Dwarf (the latest venture from the Chaser team) during Refugee Week. I'm an ambassador this year and The Refugee Council need financial support now more than ever to continue their positive work within refugee communities in Australia," said Blasko. "They are also an important force in lifting the veil on our country's treatment of asylum seekers. So, come watch me sing for the night and you'll be supporting them. I promise at least one new song and special guests."

After a whopping 33 years of operating, the RCOA found more than half a million dollars of funding cut from their budget — after Immigration Minister Scott Morrison found his portfolio was funding the organisation. "It seems extraordinary that our organisation — which has been doing this work through thick and thin for 33 years — has been singled out for this treatment," Paul Power, chief executive of the RCOA told ABC radio. "This in many ways illustrates the state of the relationship between the non-government sector — particularly organisations working on asylum issues — and the government at the moment."

This isn't the first time Blasko has used her fame for a good cause. Last year, the multi ARIA-winning artist teamed up with eBay to open a temporary online store in support of charity organisation Bowel Cancer Australia (after losing her mother to bowel cancer 14 years ago). All proceeds from her personally donated auctioned clothing, books, homewares, vinyl and bric-a-brac went directly to the organisation.

Blasko will be joined onstage with some special yet-to-be-announced guests, alongside her solid session buddies. Tickets are available from Giant Dwarf's website.

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