Travel & Leisure

Harmony Park

Where you and the pooches can hang in perfect harmony.
By Melanie Colwell
December 01, 2016
Harmony Park

201 Goulburn Street, Surry Hills

One of the biggest sacrifices that inner-city renting can present is not being able to have a pooch pal for a roommate. For anyone who is a dog person (but, let's be honest, who isn't?), this can be quite the adjustment to make. So, any exposure to a four-legged friend conjures serious levels of excitement that are usually only reserved for when you see the waiter bringing your food at a restaurant.

As one of several off-leash dog parks in the inner city, Harmony Park in Surry Hills is a mecca for recreational dog-watching. There is something quite cathartic about sitting and watching those silly mutts expend all of their energy on a few rounds of catch. Watch a little puppy get virtually bowled over by a giant hound, to then promptly get up, shake it off and go again. Go gaga as a short-legged pooch attempts to get airborne to catch a frisbee, casually missing by over a metre. And accept all the snuggles and wet, sloppy kisses you can get, until the owner thinks you're a weirdo. It will fill that pet-shaped hole in your heart — temporarily, at least.

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