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Residents of Sydney's LGAs of Concern Will Be Able to Enjoy Unlimited Exercise From September 3

The overnight curfew will still be in place, but you'll be able to head out of the house as much as you like for exercise between 5am–9pm.
Sarah Ward
September 02, 2021


For Sydneysiders living in the city's Local Government Areas of concern — aka areas that have experienced higher locally acquired COVID-19 case numbers during this Delta outbreak — tighter rules have been in place for much of this ongoing lockdown. Folks in these spots are currently under an overnight curfew between 9pm–5am, are only permitted to travel five kilometres from their homes unless there are exceptional circumstances, and must wear masks whenever they leave the house. For the past few weeks, residents in hotspot LGAs have only been able to go out of their houses to exercise for one hour per day, too; however, New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian has just announced that that rule is about to be lifted.

Today, Thursday, September 2, the Premier Gladys revealed that LGAs of concern will no longer have a one-hour cap on daily exercise from 5am on Friday, September 3. Instead, residents in these areas will be permitted to go out for as long as they like to work up a sweat — albeit still under the five-kilometre rule, and only between 5am–9pm given that the curfew is still in effect.

When it kicks in, the change will apply to people who live in the Bayside, Blacktown, Burwood, Campbelltown, Canterbury-Bankstown, Cumberland, Fairfield, Georges River, Liverpool, Parramatta and Strathfield LGAs, as well as 12 suburbs in the Penrith. So, if that's you, you'll be able to spend more time outdoors this weekend — and moving forward.

The rule does still only cover exercising. Outdoor recreation — so, "sitting for relaxation, or to eat, drink or read outdoors", as defined by the NSW Government rules — isn't yet allowed in hotspot LGAs. But it'll be back on the cards from 12.01am Monday, September 13, as part of the state's slight easing of outdoor gathering rules. From that point onwards, families with fully vaccinated adults in LGAs of concern will be able to go out together for an hour of outdoor recreation, in addition to your exercise time each day, while still abiding by the curfew and the five-kilometre rule.

The change to exercise restrictions in hotspot LGAs was announced as NSW reported 1288 new cases in the 24 hours to 8pm on Wednesday, September 1.

The NSW Government intends to loosen more rules for fully vaccinated people across the state once 70 percent of residents have had two jabs, which is likely to include being able to go to hospitality venues and outdoor events — and is expected to happen around mid-October. That said, the exact details of those relaxed settings hasn't been revealed yet, and neither has how they'll apply in LGAs of concern.

Residents in Sydney's LGAs of concern will be able to enjoy unlimited exercise — as long as they abide by the five-kilometre rule and the curfew — from 5am on Friday, September 3. For more information about the status of COVID-19 in NSW, head to the NSW Health website.