Event Auckland

Pecha Kucha

Pecha Kucha is a unique platform for creative thinkers to share their projects, ideas, inspiration, or whatever pushes their buttons.
Lara Thomas
April 22, 2013


If you've never been to a Pecha Kucha night, you're missing out. Pecha Kucha is a unique platform for creative thinkers to share their projects, ideas, inspiration, or whatever pushes their buttons.

There are usually between 8 and 14 presenters from creative fields such as architecture, art and design, but there are often a few surprises in the mix. It's an open event so anyone who has something to say can get involved.

This month's Pecha Kucha features the likes of Chloe Lamb from the BizDojo, K'Rd historian Edward Bennett, and designer Max Adler discussing projects for social change.

The unique Pecha Kucha format makes for snappy presentations and a fast-paced evening of food for thought. Each presenter has a slideshow of 20 images, each of which is shown for 20 seconds — giving a total presentation time of 6 minutes 40 seconds.

What started out in Japan in 2003 has now grown into a world-wide phenomenon and it's not just happening in Auckland either. There are PK nights in main centres all over New Zealand, from Whangarei to Queenstown.

A huge part of the ethos behind the event is that Pecha Kucha is for CONTENT and not profit. If you can't afford to get along to Semi-Permanent next month, you'll find Pecha Kucha well within your budget and just as inspiring.



Tue, Apr 23, 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013



Ironbank courtyard
150 Karangahape Road


$10 (cash on the door)
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