Aerobics Fonda Style

Let's get physical.
Sarah Ward
Published on March 29, 2016


Aah, aerobics — if any form of exercise instantly conjures images of the '80s, it's this blend of bending, stretching and waving your arms and legs about. And if you grew up during the spandex-wearing decade in Australia, two things probably spring to mind: Aerobics Oz Style and Jane Fonda.

Because everything retro is cool again, Work-Shop is combining the two for their Aerobics Fonda Style classes. You'll get your heart pumping and limbs flailing, and yes, you can even wear a leotard and legwarmers if you really want to.

While the energetic moves are the main attraction, the pumping '80s soundtrack is worth turning up for alone. It's not a real aerobic workout if you're not getting sweaty to Madonna, Michael Jackson, Rick Astley and Prince, is it? Just don't take it too seriously — we all saw how that turned out for Key & Peele.


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