Black Bear Lodge Fourth Birthday Party

Help blow out the candles on four years of music heaven.
Sarah Ward
Published on August 24, 2015


Break out the cake, candles, streamers, party hats and lolly bags, because someone's having a birthday. Well, not just someone, but somewhere. And not just anywhere, but one of Fortitude Valley's favourite hangouts.

Yes, that slice of music heaven on Brunswick Street that is Black Bear Lodge has now been part of the inner-city scene for four years. If that's not cause for celebration, then we don't know what is.

Trust the BBL crew to throw their own shindig — and cry if they want to — to mark the occasion, and trust them to rope in a whole lot of other folks to make the evening something extra special, too. Young Henry's, 4 Pines and Sailor Jerry will provide the booze, and Hey Geronimo, Waax, Born Joy Dead, Machine Age, Denpasar and regular DJs James Wright and Black Amex will serve up the tunes. Be warned, there really will be cake and lolly bags, plus alcoholic spiders too. We would never joke about that.


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