In Character

The ultimate showcase of women on film.
Sarah Ward
Published on May 23, 2016


You won't find the phrase "featuring a strong female lead" in the Gallery of Modern Art's latest film program, but it wouldn't be out of place. Offering the kind of female-centric cinema showcase Netflix could only dream of (even with its fondness for those five words), GOMA's curators have turned their attention to iconic actresses and their enduring characters.

That means Audrey Hepburn's charming turn in Breakfast at Tiffany's and Uma Thurman's sword-wielding mayhem in Kill Bill are both on the bill; however that's not all the In Character film season has to offer. Inspired by the gallery's Cindy Sherman exhibition, the lineup not only celebrates powerful, complicated representations of women. It also shines a spotlight on portrayals that challenge expectations about the behaviour, desire and physicality of ladies onscreen.

Think of the program as the ultimate primer on girls on film, complete with classics, cult hits and auteur-driven efforts. With everything from Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!, Celine and Julie Go Boating and Grey Gardens to Candyman, Under the Skin and Beyond the Valley of the Dolls included, there's your next three months of viewing sorted.


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