South Park Trivia Night

Prepare to say "oh my god, they won trivia".
Sarah Ward
Published on August 17, 2015


When it comes to the long-running animated television sensation that is South Park, there are two kinds of people. There are the ones who just watch and laugh along, and then there are the others. They know how many times Kenny has been killed and can rattle off all the celebrities ever featured or mentioned in all 257 episodes.

It's the latter obsessive types that Beach Burrito Fortitude Valley is seeking for their latest trivia competition. For one night only, South Park's biggest fans can battle it out for supremacy while eating tasty Mexican food.

They can also express their love for Trey Parker and Matt Stone's comic creations by dressing up, and win prizes for their efforts — and for emerging victorious in the contest of the facts and tidbits of course. Orange hoodies count, though you might want to make sure it doesn't cover your mouth if you want your answers to be heard.


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