Tequila Mockingbird — shake & stir theatre co

An Aussie twist on an American classic.
Sarah Ward
Published on October 04, 2016


What would Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird look like if it was transported to a remote Australian town? How relevant are the original text's themes of racial prejudice and the perversion of justice in modern times?

Trust shake & stir theatre co to ask those questions, and to answer them. They've previously taken on Dracula, 1984 and Animal Farm, after all. Actually, they've also previously taken on this, with Tequila Mockingbird getting another run after its initial 2013 staging.

Under the direction of company veteran Michael Futcher, the original cast of Ross Balbuziente, Shannon Haegler, Nelle Lee, Barbara Lowing, Bryan Probets and Nick Skubij reunite to explore the story of a young Indian doctor who has recently relocated to the area. As well as seeing a different take on the American classic everyone had to read in school, audiences can discover just why the powerful theatre piece was nominated for six 2014 Matilda Awards — winning Best Mainstage Production — the first time around.


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