Wear Next_

Ponder the outfits of the future at an exhibition that provides fashion for thought.
Sarah Ward
Published on August 17, 2015


Just a few decades ago, the concept of technology-enhanced clothing was nothing but a dream. Today, we're tweeting and checking email from our watches — and that's only the beginning of the evolution of fashion and interactivity. What happens next is yet to be determined, but Artisan curators Beck Davis and Rafael Gomez have hazarded a guess. They've corralled a range of artists to help create a vision of the future, as focused on what we'll be wearing.

The exhibition, as aptly titled Wear Next_, isn't just about speculation though. The selection of experimental wearable and interactive works by local, national and international artists and designer also contemplate the state of our increasingly technologically dependent lives.

You'll not only marvel at how clothing could evolve, but get immersed in the broader debate around wearable technology, our mediated future-selves and human interactions in this future landscape. Yes, it is exactly what it sounds like — fashion for thought.

Image: Chan Stacey Lok Heng, Li Tak Doris & Kwok Tsz Lam Lamothy, Without fear – The Umbrella Movement, 2015


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