WTF 2016
WTF by name and by nature.
Calling an event WTF isn't something anyone should take lightly. In the case of Brisbane Powerhouse's biannual contemporary performance showcase, the acronym fits in two ways; however the World Theatre Festival is doing everything it can to live up to the other meaning of its moniker.
That means a lineup bustling with the kinds of shows you're unlikely to see elsewhere. Maybe they're simply that new. Perhaps they haven't previously graced Australian stages. Sometimes, they're just so intent on challenging traditional definitions of theatre that there's really nothing else like them.
Across a twelve-event program spanning February 18 to 27, that's what you'll find at WTF 2016. An attempt to be a better person, Cambodian rock and Maori myths feature among the schedule — and if you need help picking the best things to head along to, we've put together our list of the five we think are absolute must-sees.