Prepare to Get Sticky: Cinnabon Is Opening Its Long-Awaited First Sydney Store in January

Come Saturday, January 7, the American-favourite chain will be slinging its sticky scrolls and serving St Ali coffee in Darling Square.
Sarah Ward
Published on December 19, 2022

When a new year arrives, it's prime time for new dreams to come true, or that's what we hope when we make resolutions for the 12 months ahead. But if you're a Sydneysider with a modest cinnamon scroll-devouring fantasy — a Sydneysider who just wants to be able to head to US bakery chain Cinnabon in the Harbour City — your wish is already coming true on Saturday, January 7.

Back in September, the Seattle-born brand confirmed that it was finally opening in Sydney this summer, originally aiming for a December launch. Now, those sticky scrolls are on your 2023 to-do list, with Darling Square in Haymarket your destination.

Cinnabon's Sydney debut comes after the chain opened its first Australian store in Queensland in 2019, then added more stores in the Sunshine State, then made the leap to Victoria in 2021. Accordingly, Sydneysiders have been hanging for years to get their fix. When Cinnabon launches in Darling Square, the Haymarket spot will mark the initial location in a planned rollout around the state.

In New South Wales, the plan is to open 15 stores — including one each in the city's east, west, north and south within three years, and also outposts in Newcastle, Wollongong, Coffs Harbour and Taree.

Also, in a departure from its interstate counterparts, Sydney's first Cinnabon isn't located in a shopping centre, which will enable it to operate for longer hours. Those scroll cravings don't just tempt your tastebuds during business hours, after all.

Cinnabon's Haymarket location will serve the baked goods that've built the brand such a following, plus monthly limited-edition specials. If you're keen on a coffee to wash it all down with, the chain has just announced that St Ali is its Darling Square roaster.

The exact time the debut Sydney store will open will be revealed via the chain's Instagram, but getting in early is already recommended: there'll be giveaways for the shop's first few hundred customers.

New to all things Cinnabon? Haven't tasted them on trips overseas or interstate? Only spotted the chain in Better Call Saul? It's famed for those scrolls, which come slathered in glaze and cream-cheese frosting — and, yes, they truly are oh-so-sticky to eat. Many people have tried to replicate them since Cinnabon first set up shop in America in 1985, too, but the brand's long-held recipe is immensely hard to copy at home.

Cinnabon will open in Darling Square, Haymarket on Saturday, January 7, 2023. Keep an eye on the chain's Instagram for further details. 

Published on December 19, 2022 by Sarah Ward
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