
Welcome to your apocalyptic nightmare.
Molly Glassey
Published on June 16, 2014


De-generator is dreadfully dire, but in the most remarkable of performance means. This installation dance performance, ignores boundaries, crumples criteria and pulls its audience into a desolate black hole, where the stage is not only a platform, but also portal to apocalyptic nightmares.

This is the world of De-Generator – it’s the last battle of earth, with humans expelling the last of their pains and cries. Is it worth facing fears? Or is acceptance the only way out of isolation.

Choreographer Nerida Matthaei is renowned for creating sinuous movements that are both sensuous and emotionally menacing. Paired with the unconventional form and content of Pluxus2 Dance Collective, De-Generator takes everything you think about dance, turns it on its head, and drills into the audience’s mind the beauty that lies in the corrupt.

De-Generator will be at The Judith Wright Festival from the 14th to the 21st of June.- check out the preview here.


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