Event Brisbane

Boy Band Karaoke

Spend an evening crooning boy band tunes at Southside Tea Room.
Sarah Ward
March 18, 2017


Ever found yourself standing on stage, microphone in hand, ready to belt out a karaoke tune, but unable to pick which boy band you want to croon to? Ain't nothing but a heartache indeed. For everyone who has been in that larger than life situation, and everyone that'd like to be, Southside Tea Room is hosting the ultimate singalong night. Say hello to Boy Band Karaoke.

You'll want it that way at Morningside's finest on April 22, and you'll be saying bye bye bye to any chance of keeping your love of singing and dancing groups of guys a secret. Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, One Direction, Westlife, 98 Degrees, Human Nature — they'll all get a whirl, with host Stephen Childs overseeing the shenanigans, a temporary tattoo parlour on the premises and prizes for best costume.

A word to the wise: if you're ready to publicly embrace that love of boy bands that's been tearing up your heart, grab a free ticket once they're available online on March 22. The last time SSTR did karaoke — of the Disney-themed variety — it sold out quick smart. And we're betting there's more folks happy that Backstreet's back than you might think.




Sat, Apr 22, 2017

Saturday, April 22, 2017



Southside Tea Room
639 Wynnum Road


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