Event Brisbane

Drunk Mums

Your place on the highway to a holiday of good vibes awaits you. Drunk Mums are taking over Trainspotters for what will surely be a wild night.
Alice Bopf
June 02, 2014


They’re a band of many influences yet they are one most capable of providing good times and good vibes.

The five piece Melbourne adoptives Drunk Mums are a smashed plate of punk and stoner garage, with slices of pub rock, which makes for one tasty Saturday night delight. This is a night to not only indulge in the feel-good times, but to celebrate their latest release, ‘Plastic’, as they pass through Brisbane on their national tour. Drunk Mums have developed a reputation for the loud, the raucous and often the outrageous, an act not to be missed - particularly when they play the relaxed, uber friendly Trainspotters, your regular dose of local talents.

Supporting Drunk Mums is the floating, psychedelic stylings of The Good Sports, soaring indie tunes from Surfin’ Bird, the danceable garage rock of White Lodge, alongside WOD.

Head along to that bar next to Central Station, where the drinks are cheap and the snacks are free, which is just the icing on the indie rock pop cake you will find yourself devouring face first, hands free, with careless abandon into the night.



Sat, Jun 7, 2014

Saturday, June 7, 2014



270 Ann Street


Free Entry
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