Event Fortitude Valley

Flip Frenzy

Brisbane's new arcade bar is hosting a mighty pinball battle.
Sarah Ward
January 30, 2017


Think you're great at pushing buttons? Okay, not just mashing and smashing them, but timing your touches so perfectly that you manoeuvre pinball flippers like a wizard, and send shiny chrome balls rolling, roaming and sprawling around the machine of your choice? Think your talents could stand up to scrutiny? Want to find out?

Now that Brisbane has its own arcade game bar, Netherworld, we're guessing that events like Flip Frenzy are about to become a whole lot more frequent. One of the venue's owners fancies himself as quite the pinball player, after all — and you can try to follow in his footsteps.

Here how it works: book in advance, pay $20, arrive at 9.30am, and then prepare to strut your stuff until 1pm. Only 50 competitors are allowed, and they'll be paired up at random, vie for supremacy, and then move on to the next opponent and machine. The games will be fast, but they'll also be fun — and all players of all skill levels are welcome.



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