Event Brisbane

Lost Movements IX

It's an event for every sense.
Molly Glassey
February 17, 2014


Where would Brisbane be without Lost Movements – in a void of musical isolation probably. They’ve thrown some of our biggest names into the musical spotlight, and done in a way that’s been fun, frenzy filled hella cool.

So if you haven’t been dancing along and clapping furiously to the success of Lost Movements, then you’ve really and truly messed up – shame on you. But don’t be so quick to tilt your head in shame – lift it, and bop it along to the sounds of Lost Movements IX – 9 for those not fluent in Roman numerals.

Here’s the list of bands playing:

Jekks and The Priests of Heka


Super Black

And even more or less importantly, depending on your preferred sense, there will be a bunch of great artists doing their stuff.

Go join in and have fun – for once in your darn life.


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