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We've spoken with Aussie business owners to find out how they've adapted in uncertain times to stay afloat — and even thrive — in 2020.
Owning and running a small business can be challenging in the best of times. Throw in a global pandemic, and an ever uncertain marketplace, and you’ve got a tricky set of circumstances to navigate on top of finding new customers, spruiking your products and services, and balancing the books.
At Concrete Playground, we’ve always supported the emerging businesses in our cities. That’s why we’ve partnered with Square, who have all the tools to support Aussie entrepreneurs right now and into the future. Square offers online stores, contactless payment systems, and can even handle deliveries and shipping, if that suits your needs. Read on to hear from the locals who use Square’s products daily.
Find out more about Square and how it’s supporting small businesses with the tools they need to grow, here.
Top image: Shaelah Ariotti