75 Highly Awesome Outdoor Brisbane Adventures to Try

There's got to be at least one in here for you. At least.
Concrete Playground
Published on December 30, 2016

75 Highly Awesome Outdoor Brisbane Adventures to Try

There's got to be at least one in here for you. At least.

Brisbane-based adventurers, this one's for you. Over the last little while, we've been going on about pristine waterfalls right outside the city, we've pointed you to unusual swimming holes, and we've sent you valiantly exploring on Brisbane's very best walks.

Haven't done it all? Haven't found your perfect perfect camping spot? Yet to stake your claim on the ultimate Brisbane outdoor barbecue spot? Fill up your canteen with water (wink), pack a little lunchbox and get going this weekend. Here's a little guide to help you.

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    The Most Unusual Swimming Holes to Try Around Brisbane

    There are swimming holes, and then there are swimming holes — and yes, there is a difference between the two. In the first camp, you’ll find all the standard haunts that those seeking a splashing good time rush to, aka the usual beaches and pools. These are great options of course, but in the second category lurks spots that are a little further off the beaten path, just waiting for the adventurous and the curious. They’re the kind of places where you can soak up the benefits of tea trees, scramble over rocks to secret coastal pockets, and look out from waterfall caves — and we’ve listed the ten we think Brisbanites should put on their summer itinerary, stat.

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    The Five Best Waterfalls Near Brisbane You Can Swim Under

    We hate to say it, but TLC were wrong — sometimes, you should go chasing waterfalls. What can beat splashing about in a natural swimming pool, underneath streams of rushing water? In the middle of summer or during the remainder of Queensland’s typically warm months, not much. Living in the city may limit your opportunities to enjoy such an aquatic experience, but delights await if you’re willing to go for a drive. Here are five watering holes that are more than just the rivers and the lakes that you’re used to, all a short road trip from Brisbane.

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    The Ten Best Beaches Near Brisbane

    Summer smells like sunscreen in your eyes, feels like sand between your cheeks and looks like old men in speedos. And while it mightn’t be the most glamorous season, we wouldn’t have it any other way. Put down the hair straightener and forego makeup, summertime weekends are made to be spent outside the city’s confines – it’s time to hit the beach once more.

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    The Seven Best Camping Getaways from Brisbane

    The weather’s perfect to bask in the midday sun, and Aldi’s got some killer camping specials at the moment – why not combine both coincidences, pack up for the weekend and head bush. There’s plenty of camping hotspots that aren’t too far a hike or drive from Brisbane, and they won’t cost you more than a dime to set up tent. Stock up marshmallows, fly spray and the sweet ‘summer‘ sounds of Daryl Braithwaite, and get in touch with nature.

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    The Eight Best Outdoor Swimming Pools in Brisbane for 2024

    Come summer in Brisbane, you can be forgiven for thinking you’re living in a Billy Idol song. Yes, it’s hot in the city, both day and night. Hiding in air-conditioned comfort is one way to beat the heat, but having fun outside is all part of living in Queensland. That’s where outdoor pools come in, offering the ideal way to cool off while enjoying the warm climate. Throughout the length and breadth of the city, there are plenty of places to take a dip, both during sun-strewn hours and balmy evenings. So where should you enjoy a swim, splash around and soak away the scorching temperatures? Here’s eight outdoor pools to try out.

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    The Ten Best Barbecue Spots in Brisbane

    T-bone steak. Pork and fennel snags. Cajun spiced corn. A platter stacked to the rim with charred meat. Bacon-edged chicken mignons. Tomato ketchup in the gallons. An Esky heaving with Australian craft beers. Enough loaves of bread to feed the cast of 300. Sound like your kinda cook-up? Of course it does! You live in Brisbane, and we’re the home of the great Australian barbecue. With just as many BBQ-friendly parks as it has days of summer, Brisbane is the ultimate spot to host your summer barbie. But of all the green parks, riverside abodes and Mt Coot-tha lookouts, which spot is best for lighting your flame? We can suggest a few.

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    The Five Best Places to Go Horse Riding Near Brisbane

    Dig in deep and revive that Saddle Club phase. Whether you’re hiding a few Gymkhana medals under your belt or don’t know your stirrup from your saddle, there’s a horse riding institute to suit any level of experience in Brisbane and its surrounds. You can get friends together and try your luck at riding into a sunset, or go solo like the man from Snowy River — all you need is a pair of jodhpurs, some RMs, and maybe a Telfast or two.

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    The Ten Best Walks In and Around Brisbane

    Putting one foot in front of the other and then seeing where they take you is one of life’s simple pleasures. Whether you prefer to stroll along leisurely or charge forward at a brisk pace, there’s always fun to be found in something as simple as a walk. There’s always fun to be found if you’re sauntering in or marching around Brisbane, too — and given that the sun is often shining and the weather is frequently warm, that’s not at all surprising. Want to wander along the river? Hike around the city’s main mountain? Amble through bushland? Trek over a bridge? You can do all that and more if you head to one of these ten spots — our picks of the best walks in the area.

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    The Ten Best Picnic Spots in Brisbane - OLD

    If there’s one thing Brisbanites can count on almost all year round, it’s a sunny day begging to be spent outdoors. Whatever the season, the chances of nice weather are high — as are the chances you’ll want to make the most of it. Though the beach is a drive away, the city abounds in the next best places to while away a fine afternoon: picnic spots. With greener pastures aplenty dotting the expanse of the CBD and the surrounding suburbs, there’s many a wide-open space to head to with your trusty rug and a basket filled with delicious goodies. Here’s our pick of the best ten — and as things start to heat up, we suggest running, not walking, to peg out the best spot.

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