Event Fortitude Valley

Thousand in Twenty: Rave Magazine’s Birthday

This magnificent event was born out of two massive Rave Magazine stats that occur this year: its 20th birthday and its 1000th issue.
Tess Cameron
July 11, 2011


Brisbane is pretty much like an extra family member to me. I’ve known it my whole life; complain pretty frequently about what it lacks yet am super protective if anyone from Sydney/Melbourne should throw some chat northward. It’s also pretty good at surprising me with greatness, whether it’s an awesome Christmas present, or the even awesome-er ‘Thousand in Twenty’ celebrations for Rave Magazine’s birthday.

This magnificent event was born out of two massive Rave Magazine stats that occur this year: its 20th birthday and its 1000th issue. The main theme that the organisers seem to have chosen is highlighting how super the Brisbane music scene actually is, and they have succeeded.

Opening the night the night are local cool kids Inland Sea, Velociraptor, and Dave McCormack & The Polaroids. Following them is The Brisband Experience, a crazy collaboration including but not limited to Katie Noonan (george, Elixir), Dan James (Drawn From Bees), Caleb James (Rhubarb), Thomas Murphy (The Bloodpoets), Ben Dalton (Hungry Kids Of Hungary), Tony Garrett (The Boat People), and Steve Pope (Transport, Kate Miller-Heidke).

Finally, headlining this celebration of Brisbane is a super mystery act that Rave refuses to announce but suffice to say, given the caliber of the other acts I’m sure everyone will be happy with their choice.

Now, has anyone actually finished reading this without buying a ticket yet? What’s wrong with you?! Go forth and purchase!


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