Travel & Leisure

Tiny Dog Festival

Celebrating pint-sized pooches over a few pints.
By Sarah Ward
May 08, 2018

Sat, May 19, 2018

Saturday, May 19, 2018


Welcome to Bowen Hills

61 Gregory Terrace, Bowen Hills

Brisbane's new permanent food truck hangout has been home to all kinds of things since it set up shop earlier this year — festivals dedicated to all kinds of foods mainly — but, come May 19, it'll welcome something different through its doors. While there's always some sort of party going at Welcome to Bowen Hills, and doggos are always welcome, the venue's Tiny Dog Festival will see the space swarmed by puppers of the super small variety.

If it's an adorable little barking creature, it'll be in the spotlight — so bring your own or prepare to pat plenty of others. And, the site's food trucks and bars such as Mr Burger, Food Mood and The Wurst Dogs won't just be catering to humans. L'Barkery will be serving up puppacinos and other doggie treats, and there'll be beer (for you) and bone (for your four-legged friend) deals on offer.

As part of the all-round celebration of pint-sized pooches over a few pints, the fest will also feature a tiny dog race and a best dressed tiny dog competition. If your pupper is speedy or has great style, then you'll want to take part. Plus, Welcome to Bowen Hills also wants to find Brissy's tiniest adult dog, so prepare to spend a date staring at cute pooches that could fit in your pocket and saying "awwwwwww".

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